Thursday, September 24, 2009


To be honest, I think people in general are funny. Everyday people doing everyday things really amuse me. From a simple joke, or facial expression, it doesn't have to be a movie. But I love watching funny movies, but they can't be stupid movies , like I don't like stupid comedies, such as American Pie, Herald and Kumar, stuff like that is just dumb to me. But I really enjoy Superbad! I mean it's not all appropriate, but it is hands down hilarious!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Favorite Movie In the last month

What's your favorite movie from the last month? What kind of lighting did it use? Compare/Contrast it with German Expressionism. Did it use chiaroscuro lighting? What were the sets like? Did it film on location? What was the acting like?
The Time Traveler's wife would have to be my favorite film in the last month. I fell in love with all the characters and the story the way it was portrayed was so nice., This is the most depressing, love, romance movie I have ever seen. It's such a great movie it will leave everyone in tears. It's too cute! There was mostly lighter lighting when it was happy times in the movie, and darker lighting for the sadder signs of the movie. The sets were mostly outside in the city and in homes, not like German Expressionism, where the sets are darker and have a deeper meaning in the film.

Science Fiction

What are some Science Fiction movies you have seen? What are some characteristics of the genre? For example, you might have seen a movie set in space.
Some Science fiction movies that i have seen, are:
-Star wars
-Running Man
-Minority Report
-Men in black
-Resident Evil
-Star ship troopers

Mostly all the settings of these movies were in space, or some other planet other than earth. All movies in general, show us scenarios and events that are just really impossible. These movies show futuristic ideas.

German Expressionism

Read the section in Chapter 4 about films from 1920s Germany. Read the information there about
German Expressionism.What is German Expressionism? What are some of the famous films?

German expressionism is the style that germans felt should be expressed when using film. They used black and white to express color contrast to catch your eye. In German expressionism, you see various things from one extreme to the other. From the sets, to the contrasting colors, to the opposite characters. Some famous films during this time, are The cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Metropolis and Pandora's box.

Film Innovations up to this point

Look at the images to the right. Who is the director? What is the name of the film? Why is this piece of art important in the development of film?

1. The name of this film is Battleship Potempkin, directed by Eisenstein. It shows the famous montage of the baby carriage moving down the stairs.

2. The name of this second film is Trip to the Moon, directed by Melies. It shows the first footage with super awesome special effects.

3.The name of this third film is Train arrival at La Ciotat, directed by the Lumiere brothers. This film shows us a short clip of everyday life. The camera angle never changes. It stays in one spot.